For Home Buyers Do you need a real estate agent when buying a new construction home? When it comes to purchasing a new construction home in Utah, some buyers may overlook the need for a real estate agent, assuming that a brand-new property has no issues and doesn’t require representation. However, relying solely on the builder’s agent can be a mistake, as their interests lie with the builder, not the buyer. […]
For Home Buyers How to find an Investment Property Investing in property has long been a popular way to build wealth and generate passive income. However, not all properties are created equal when it comes to investment potential. So, what makes a property a good investment property? First and foremost, location is key. A property in a desirable area with a strong rental market […]
For Home Buyers What you should know about VA Loans Veterans have several benefits and terms when buying a home, thanks to the Veterans Affairs (VA) home loan program. Some of the key benefits include: No down payment required: Unlike conventional loans, VA loans do not require a down payment, which can make it easier for veterans to purchase a home. No private mortgage insurance […]
Em Portugues Como Vender sua Casa em Utah Aqui estão os passos para vender uma casa nos EUA, juntamente com algumas estatísticas e referências para ajudá-lo a entender melhor o processo: Determine o preço: O primeiro passo na venda de uma casa é determinar o preço. Isso é feito geralmente com a ajuda de um corretor imobiliário, que irá avaliar a casa e […]
For Home Buyers Downpayment vs Closing Costs When buying a home, there are several costs that need to be considered beyond the purchase price. One of the most significant costs is the down payment, which is the initial payment made by the buyer towards the purchase price. Another important cost is closing costs, which are a variety of expenses that are incurred […]
For Home Buyers Homeowners Insurance vs Home Warranty Homeowners insurance and home warranties are both important forms of protection for homeowners, but they serve different purposes. Homeowners insurance is a type of insurance that provides financial protection against loss or damage to a person’s property and personal belongings due to covered events such as fire, theft, and certain natural disasters. Homeowners insurance,  is […]
Em Portugues Como obter um Empréstimo Imobiliário nos EUA Aqui estão os passos para obter um empréstimo imobiliário nos EUA, juntamente com algumas referências: Verifique sua pontuação de crédito (credit score): A primeira coisa a fazer ao se preparar para solicitar um empréstimo imobiliário é verificar sua pontuação de crédito. Isso pode ser feito gratuitamente em vários sites, como o A maioria dos […]
For Home Buyers Real Estate Terms You Should Know Buying or selling a home can be a complex and sometimes overwhelming experience, especially if you are not familiar with the terms and jargon commonly used in the real estate industry. To help you navigate the process, here is a list of important words and definitions every home buyer or seller should know: Appraisal: An […]
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Em Portugues Como Contornar as Taxas de Juros do Financiamento Imobiliário Aqui estão algumas maneiras de contornar as altas taxas de juros do financiamento imobiliário: Faça um pagamento inicial (down-payment) maior: Um pagamento inicial maior pode ajudá-lo a se qualificar para uma taxa de juros mais baixa. Melhore seu crédito (credit score): Um score de crédito mais alto pode qualificá-lo para uma taxa de juros melhor. Compare suas […]
For Home Buyers What is an assumable loan? An assumable loan is a type of loan that allows the buyer of a property to take over the seller’s existing mortgage, rather than obtaining a new one. This can be beneficial for the buyer, as they may be able to get a lower interest rate or better terms than if they were to apply […]
For Home Buyers Ways to get around today’s higher mortgage rates Here are a few ways to potentially get around higher mortgage interest rates: Make a larger down payment: A larger down payment can help you qualify for a lower interest rate. Improve your credit score: A higher credit score can qualify you for a better interest rate. Shop around for rates: Compare rates from multiple […]
Em Portugues Por que contratar um Corretor de Imóveis A compra de uma casa é uma das decisões mais importantes e complexas que uma pessoa pode tomar. Com tantas opções disponíveis no mercado imobiliário americano, pode ser difícil saber por onde começar. É aí que entra o papel de um corretor de imóveis, também conhecido como “realtor”. Este profissional tem a experiência e habilidade […]
Em Portugues O que é o CMA? Uma análise comparativa de mercado, conhecida como CMA, é uma ferramenta valiosa para ajudar os compradores e vendedores de imóveis a entender as tendências de preços do mercado e como o valor de um imóvel se compara com outros imóveis semelhantes nas proximidades. Uma CMA geralmente inclui informações sobre o tamanho, idade, estado de conservação, […]
For Home Buyers 5 Tips for Home Buyers Get pre-approved Getting pre-approved with a lender will give you an idea of how much you can afford. Shop around to find the best interest rate and terms for you. Comparing rates and terms from different lenders can help you find a better deal.   Work with a Realtor A Realtor can provide valuable insights […]
For Home Sellers 5 Tips for Home Sellers Price your home correctly Price your home correctly with a CMA from a Realtor. A Realtor can provide you with a report of comparable homes that have recently sold, giving you a realistic idea of what your home is worth in today’s market. What is my home worth?     Stage your home Whether you […]
For Home Sellers How to Prepare your home for Real Estate pictures Staging your home for real estate pictures is an important step in the process of selling your home. Not only can it help your home stand out in a crowded market, but it can also help potential buyers envision themselves living in the space. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to stage your home for […]
For Home Sellers How to Sell a Home in Utah Selling a home is a complex process that can be overwhelming for many homeowners. However, understanding the steps involved and the potential challenges can help make the process smoother and more successful. Here is an overview of the steps involved in selling a home, including statistics and references to help guide you through the process: […]
For Home Sellers Why FSBO can be a bad idea Selling a home For Sale by Owner (FSBO) may seem like a way to save money on real estate commissions, but it can actually be a costly mistake. While some homeowners may successfully sell their homes without the help of a realtor, there are many potential drawbacks to selling FSBO, and it may end up […]
For Home Buyers Home Inspection vs Appraisal When buying a home, it is important to understand the difference between a home inspection and an appraisal. Both are important steps in the home buying process, but they serve different purposes and provide different information. A home inspection is a thorough examination of a home by a licensed inspector. The inspector will check for […]
For Home Buyers Why you should shop around and get multiple mortgage quotes When you’re buying a home, one of the most important decisions you’ll make is choosing a mortgage lender. While it may be tempting to go with the first lender you talk to, it’s important to shop around and get multiple mortgage quotes. But, how does this affect your credit? And when should you start looking […]